2011年12月13日 星期二

抵達世界的盡頭 Arrive in Ushuaia

December 13, 2011
今天一早從布宜諾斯艾利斯的國內機場,搭了約3個半小時的飛機,終於到了世界的盡頭"烏蘇懷亞鎮, 這個地方位在阿根廷的南端,是阿根廷火地島省的首府(the capital of the province of Tierra del Fuego)
烏蘇懷亞是全阿根廷唯一一個城市,包含了海洋,冰河以及森林三種天然景觀資源. 因為此地也是美洲最南端之地, 所以被稱作是世界的盡頭,一切事物的起源. (The end of the world, the beginning of everything).

準備搭機至烏蘇懷亞 Take a flight to Ushuaia 

After 3hours 30 mins flight, we arrived in Ushuaia, 
The staffs of the ship company picked up us and took us back to the hotel for check in. 

遊輪公司安排的住宿,在 Albatross hotel

We stayed one night at Albatross hotel which was arranged by the ship company

Before the briefing of important note on board, we had some free time to walk around and buy some postcards at St. Martin street, the most bustling street and also the only one in Ushuaia.

Very cute graffiti on the wall of a gift shop

Bodegon Fueguino restaurant 

San Martin 859UshuaiaArgentinahttp://www.tierradehumos.com/bodegon/

